Jack Stand make our automotive sector job easier. We used transport system for our communication. For maintenance, we need to service our vehicles time to time. There are several brands of jack stand comes to our service. Torin Big Red Hydraulic Stubby Bottle Jack stand is a common tool for the users. Only 15 pounds weight tool easy to use for vehicle servicing.
Shiny red color makes its outlook greater. Heavy Steel made tool is more durable and work longer. Steel constructed hydraulic stubby jack has 24,000 pounds or 12 Ton capacity to lift a vehicle. The high-quality tool comes with durable and consistently work in the high or low-temperature unit. The user likes to use for tire changing or washing activities. Lightweight helps to keep the small hydraulic jack inside the car. Price is affordable for the automotive industry for optimum use its features.

Torin Bottle Jack Description
Like to Use:
- The Automotive Industry
- The individual Car user for safety on emergency
- Auto repair shops
- Loading docks
- Warehouse and Factory floors
Torin is a well-recognized organization who offers valuable service in jack stand world for 7 years long. 4 rating customer review they get for their quality service. Red color attracts the user. The body constructed of heavy duty steel. There are some special reason that like the user to access the floor jack.
Powerful Tool: The automotive industry and the car owner, can use it for servicing job. 15 pounds tool constructed of heavy duty steel made. The steel has cylinder feature unit which can lower the oil pressure and extend the tool life. Besides 100% Factory tested tool which meets ANSI standard. 12 Ton floor jack can take the heavy load car smoothly with its 7-11 inches lifting height power. Hit treated saddle comes to load 12 ton up to load vehicle quite easily.
Chrome Plated Cylinder: Torin offers the special feature as chrome cylinder which makes the stubby jack stand more durable. 7-11 inches wonder to lift 12-ton weight tool. Moreover, the Heat-treated saddle can lift the large vehicle as well as keep the jack more risk free standing. The user like the tool for its high stability of smart car jack.
Heat Treated Saddle: 12 Ton Hydraulic jack has the flexibility to control by its heat treated saddle. Thanks to Toring stubby jack for large diameter. The feature makes the jack stand safely when it keeps 12-ton weight load of the vehicle. Beside glide-action pressure, the pump makes the tool high-quality performance. For a heavy project like auto body, the factory can most utilize the Torin 12 ton tool.
Three handle Stubby Jack: The user like the tool for its compatible handle feature. There are three handles offer by Torin, which give most comfort to handle and operate for car servicing. 15 pounds tool make easier to carry and heavyweight car servicing.
Easy To Set up: The tool is very small to carry. For emergency solution. A car owner can keep the tool inside their car. On road, when their car tire gets punctured, they can set up it easily and lift the car to replace the tire. 15 pounds bottle jack easily lift your car weight and provide your job as a helper.
Quality of the Tool: The customer who bought and use now, they give 4-star rating review. They like the tool for its heavy-duty steel made a feature with diameter. So they can handle the tool with the Heat-Treated saddle. Beside the Torin hydraulic car, jack has meet ANSI standard goal. It tested from the factory ensured 100% tested for reliability and safety. The highly productive tool offers the user very very small range price. For small. Large any commercial automotive industry can access the tool for their daily car servicing.
The user knew the Torin T901207A for its good performance and high-quality service. The lightweight tool gives optimum service to lift heavy car quite easily.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the maximum pressure of the 12-ton hydraulic jack?
It has 12-ton maximum.
Is there is a handle of this jack?
Yes, there is 3 piece of handle. It makes easier for your use.
How wide the base of the jack?
The wide base of the tool has 6 by 6 inches.
Does it comes with a handle?
Yes, the jack has three handles to operate.
Final Verdict
In the concluding part, like to thanks, Torin Big Red Hydraulic Stubby Bottle Jack for their great innovation of jack stand. The price is cheaper for user purchase. The heavy-duty steel made tool gives the user great durability and stability. More than. Its like to repair Bus, truck, SUV also. To grip the vehicle strongly and safely, the manufacturer uses heat treated saddle. 100% factory tested reliability and safety feature tool like by automotive industry. It can be a profit-making machine for the auto body workshop as well as repair shops. For this, all level of users needs to buy the tool for their excellent car servicing job. A handy tool can make the user life smart and beautiful.